Wijmo UI for the Web
wijmo.chart Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy

Creates a chartLabel object that defines all of the settings used to draw a label for each bubble in the chart.

Type: Object


chartLabel: {
    compass: "north", 
    position: "inside", 
    style: {}, 
    visible: true

The animation option defines the animation effect and controls other aspects of the widget's animation, such as duration and easing. See Animation for more information about supported animation effects and easing.

Type: Object

Default: {enabled:true, duration:400, easing: "easeInCubic"}

The axis, inherited from jquery.wijmo.wijchartcore.js, is an object containing all of the information to create the X and Y axes of the chart.

Type: Object

The axis option, inherited by each chart from jquery.wijmo.wijchartcore.js, is an object containing all of the information to create the X and Y axes of the chart.

Type: Object

The axis grid option, inherited by each chart from jquery.wijmo.wijchartcore.js, is an object containing all of the information to create grid lines for the X and Y axes of the chart.

Type: Object

Creates an object with all of the information used to draw X or Y axis labels.

Default: {style: {fill: "#333", "font-size": 11}, textAlign: "near", width: null}

Type: Object

Creates an object with all of the settings to use in drawing tick marks that appear next to the numeric labels for major values along the X or Y axis. By default, these marks are not shown. To show them, set the position option. See Show Tick Marks for more information.

Default: {position: "none", style: {fill: "black"}, factor: 1}

Type: Object

Creates an object to use as the tooltip, or hint, when the mouse is over a chart element. By default, it displays the value of the seriesList label and Y data for the element. See Format All Numeric Values for information on creating custom formatted content for the hint.

Type: Function


    animated: "fade",
    calloutFilled: false,
    calloutFilledStyle: {fill: "#000"},
    contentStyle: {fill: "#d1d1d1", "font-size": 16},
    duration: 120,
    easing: "easeOutExpo",
    enable: true,
    hideAnimated: "fade",
    hideDelay: 150,
    hideDuration: 120,
    hideEasing: "easeOutExpo",
    offsetX: 0,
    offsetY: 0, 
    showAnimated: "fade",
    showCallout: true,
    showDelay: 150,
    showDuration: 120,
    showEasing: "easeOutExpo",
    style: {fill: "270-#333333-#000000", "stroke-width": 2},
    title: null,
    titleStyle: {fill: "#d1d1d1", "font-size": 16},


Sets up an object that can display an indicator line running horizontally through the center of each bar or bubble in the chart when the user clicks it. When the indicator line appears, it pushes the hint to the top edge of the chart.

Type: object

Default: indicator: {visible:false, style:{stroke:"#000000"}

Creates a legend object to display with the chart.

By default, each series that you create in the seriesList is represented by a color in the legend, using the seriesList label that you specify. If you do not specify a label, it is labeled "undefined." If you do not want a series to appear in the legend, you can set the seriesList legendEntry attribute to false.

By default, users can click a legend entry to toggle the data series it represents in the chart. See Clickable Legend for code that allows you to disable this function.

Type: Object


    compass: "east", 
    orientation: "vertical",
    style: {fill: "#none", stroke: "none"}, 
    text: "", 
    textMargin: {left: 2, top: 2, right: 2, bottom: 2},
    textStyle: {fill: "#333", stroke: "none"}, 
    titleStyle: {"font-weight": "bold", fill: "#000", stroke: "none"}, 
    visible: true

Sets up the object to use as the header or footer of the chart.

Type: Object


    visible: true, 
    style: {fill: "none", stroke: "none"}, 
    textStyle: {"font-size": 18, fill: "#666", stroke: "none"}, 
    compass: "north"

The animation option defines the animation effect and controls other aspects of the widget's animation, such as duration and easing.

Type: Object

Default: {enabled:true, duration:2000, easing:"easeInCubic"}

The animation option defines the animation effect and controls other aspects of the widget's animation, such as duration and easing.

Type: Object

Default: {enabled:true, duration:400, easing:"easeInCubic"}

The labels option defines the labels and the lines connecting them to each pie slice in a pie chart.

Type: Object

See Also


Wijmo API