Name | Description | |
animation | The animation option defines the animation effect and controls other aspects of the widget's animation, such as duration and easing. |
bind | A value indicates that which property value is get from the object in the array if the data is set as a object array. | |
click | This event fires when the user clicks the sparkline. | |
columnWidth | Set width for each column | |
data | Sets the array to use as a source for data that you can bind to the sparkline widget. | |
disabled | Determines whether the widget is disabled. | |
height | Sets the height of the sparkline widget in pixels. | |
max | A value that indicates the maximum value of the sparkline. | |
min | A value that indicates the minimum value of the sparkline. | |
mouseMove | This event fires when the user moves the mouse pointer while it is over a sparkline. | |
origin | Centers the value axis at the origin option setting value. | |
seriesList | Creates an array of series objects that contain data values and labels to display in the chart. |
seriesStyles | Sets an array of style objects to use in rendering sparklines for each series in the sparkline widget. |
tooltipContent | A function which is used to get a value for the tooltip shown. | |
tooltipFormat | A value which formats the value for tooltip shown. | |
type | Specifies the type of the sparkline widget. | |
valueAxis | Axis line as option (off by default) used for identifying negative or positive values. | |
width | Sets the width of the sparkline widget in pixels. |