Wijmo UI for the Web
width Option
wijmo.chart.wijchartcore Namespace > options type : width Option

Sets the width of the chart in pixels.

Type: Number

Default value: null


$(function () {
    // Get value
    var returnsValue; // Type:  any
    returnsValue = $(".selector").wijchartcore("option", "width");
    // Set value
    var newValue; // Type:  any
    $(".selector").wijchartcore("option", "width", newValue);
var width : any;
    width: 600
Note that this value overrides any value you may set in the <div> element that you use in the body of the HTML page If you specify a width in the <div> element that is different from this value, the chart and its border go out of synch.
See Also


options type
height Option
wijchartcore jQuery Widget

How To

Add a Border to the Chart