Wijmo UI for the Web
wijexpander jQuery Widget
Show or hide embedded or external content within an expanding panel using various animation effects.
$(function () {
    var options; // Type:  wijmo.expander.wijexpander.options
function wijexpander() : any;
public Option

Default value: true

Determines if the widget can be collapsed or expanded through user interaction.Set this option to false to disable collapsing and expanding in the widget.

public Option

Default value: 'slide'

Determines the animation easing effect; set this option to false in order to disable animation. Note that custom easing effects require the UI Effects Core. Additional options that are available for the animation function include: expand - value of true indicates that content element must be expanded. horizontal - value of true indicates that expander is horizontally orientated (when expandDirection is left or right). content - jQuery object that contains content element to be expanded or collapsed.

public Option

Default value: ""

Determines the URL to the external content. For example, http://componentone.com/ for the ComponentOne Web site.

public Option

Default value: 'bottom'

Determines the content expand direction. Available values are top, right, bottom, and left.

public Option

Default value: true

Determines the visibility state of the content panel. If true, the content element is visible.

public MethodCollapses the content panel.  
public MethodRemoves the wijexpander functionality completely. This returns the element to its pre-init state.  
public MethodExpands the content panel.  
public MethodReturns a jQuery object containing the original element or other relevant generated element.  
public EventOccurs after the content area collapses.  
public EventOccurs after the content area expands.  
public EventOccurs before the content area collapses. Return false or call event.preventDefault() in order to cancel event and prevent the content area from collapsing.  
public EventOccurs before the content area expands. Return false or call event.preventDefault() in order to cancel event and prevent the content area from expanding.  
See Also




wijexpander jQuery Widget