$(function () { var options; // Type: wijmo.dialog.wijdialog.options $(".selector").wijdialog(options); });
function wijdialog() : any;
$(function () { var options; // Type: wijmo.dialog.wijdialog.options $(".selector").wijdialog(options); });
function wijdialog() : any;
Name | Description | |
appendTo | Default value: 'body' Sets the element the dialog (and overlay, if modal) appends to. | |
autoOpen | Default value: true If set to true, the dialog will automatically open upon initialization. If false, the dialog will stay hidden until the open() method is called. | |
buttons | Default value: [] Specifies which buttons should be displayed on the dialog. The context of the callback is the dialog element; if you need access to the button, it is available as the target of the event object. | |
captionButtons | The captionButtons option determines the caption buttons to show on the wijdialog title bar. | |
closeOnEscape | Default value: true Specifies whether the dialog should close when it has focus and the user presses the esacpe (ESC) key. | |
closeText | Default value: 'Close' Specifies the text for the close button. Note that the close text is visibly hidden when using a standard theme. | |
collapsingAnimation | Default value: null The collapsingAnimation option determines the animation effect that is used when the wijdialog is collapsed. | |
contentUrl | Default value: "" This option specifies the URL for the iframe element inside wijdialog. | |
dialogClass | Default value: "" The specified class name(s) will be added to the dialog, for additional theming. | |
draggable | Default value: true If set to true, the dialog will be draggable by the title bar. Requires the jQuery UI Draggable widget to be included. | |
expandingAnimation | Default value: null The expandingAnimation option determines the animation effect that is used when the wijdialog is expanded. | |
height | Default value: 'auto' The height of the dialog. | |
hide | Default value: null If and how to animate the hiding of the dialog. | |
maxHeight | Default value: null The maximum height to which the dialog can be resized, in pixels. | |
maxWidth | Default value: null The maximum width to which the dialog can be resized, in pixels. | |
minHeight | Default value: 150 The minimum height to which the dialog can be resized, in pixels. | |
minimizeZoneElementId | Default value: "" The minimizeZoneElementId option specifies the ID of the DOM element to dock to when wijdialog is minimized. | |
minWidth | Default value: 150 The minimum width to which the dialog can be resized, in pixels. | |
modal | Default value: false If set to true, the dialog will have modal behavior; other items on the page will be disabled, i.e., cannot be interacted with. Modal dialogs create an overlay below the dialog but above other page elements. | |
position | Specifies where the dialog should be displayed. The dialog will handle collisions such that as much of the dialog is visible as possible. | |
resizable | Default value: true The resizable option allows you to control whether your users can resize the dialog. To block users from resizing the dialog, set this option to "false." When true, the resize handle is at the bottom right corner of the dialog. | |
show | Default value: null If and how to animate the showing of the dialog. | |
stack | Default value: true The stack option allows the dialog to stack on top of other dialogs, causing it to move to the front of other dialogs when it gains focus. | |
title | Default value: null Specifies the title of the dialog. If the value is null, the title attribute on the dialog source element will be used. | |
width | Default value: 300 The width of the dialog, in pixels. | |
zIndex | Default value: 1000 This option specifies the starting z-index for the dialog. |
Name | Description | |
close | The close method closes the dialog widget. | |
destroy | Removes the wijdialog functionality completely. This returns the element to its pre-init state. | |
getState | The getState method gets the state of the dialog widget. | |
isOpen | The isOpen method returns true if the wijdialog is currently open. You can call this method to check whether or not the wijdialog is open before you complete an event or function. | |
maximize | The maximize method maximizes the wijdialog. | |
minimize | The minimize method minimizes the wijdialog. | |
moveToTop | The moveToTop method moves the wijdialog to the top of the stack if you have several different elements in your application. | |
open | The open method opens an instance of the wijdialog. | |
pin | The pin method prevents the wijdialog from being moved. | |
refresh | The refresh method refreshes the iframe content within the wijdialog. | |
reset | The reset method resets dialog properties such as width and height to their default values. | |
restore | The restore method restores the wijdialog to its normal size from either the minimized or the maximized state. | |
toggle | The toggle method expands or collapses the content of the wijdialog. | |
widget | Returns a jQuery object containing the generated wrapper. |
Name | Description | |
beforeClose | Triggered when a dialog is about to close. If canceled, the dialog will not close. | |
blur | The blur event is called when the dialog widget loses focus. | |
buttonCreating | The buttonCreating event is called before the caption buttons are created. It can be used to change the array of the buttons or to change, add, or remove buttons from the title bar. | |
close | Triggered when the dialog is closed. | |
create | Triggered when the dialog is created. | |
drag | Triggered while the dialog is being dragged. | |
dragStart | Triggered when the user starts dragging the dialog. | |
dragStop | Triggered after the dialog has been dragged. | |
focus | Triggered when the dialog gains focus. | |
open | Triggered when the dialog is opened. | |
resize | Triggered while the dialog is being resized. | |
resizeStart | Triggered when the user starts resizing the dialog. | |
resizeStop | Triggered after the dialog has been resized. | |
stateChanged | The stateChanged event is called when the dialog state ("maximized", "minimized", "normal") is changed. |