Wijmo UI for the Web
options type
wijmo.tabs.wijtabs Namespace : options type
Inheritance Hierarchy


public Option

Default value: null

Additional Ajax options to consider when loading tab content (see $.ajax).

public Option

Default value: 'top'

Determines the tabs' alignment in respect to the content.

public Option

Default value: false

Determines whether or not to cache the remote tabs content, for example, to load content only once or with every click.

public Option

Default value: false

Determines whether a tab can be collapsed by a user. When this is set to true, an already selected tab will be collapsed upon reselection.

public Option

Default value: null

Stores the latest selected tab in a cookie. The cookie is then used to determine the initially selected tab if the selected option is not defined. This option requires a cookie plugin. The object needs to have key/value pairs of the form the cookie plugin expects as options.

public Option

Default value: []

An array containing the position of the tabs (zero-based index) that should be disabled upon initialization.

public Option

Default value: 'click'

The type of event to be used for selecting a tab.

public Option

Default value: null

This is an animation option for hiding the tab's panel content.

public Option

Default value: 'ui-tabs-'

If the remote tab, its anchor element that is, has no title attribute to generate an id from, an id/fragment identifier is created from this prefix and a unique id returned by $.data(el), for example "ui-tabs-54".

public Option

Default value: ""

This is the HTML template from which a new tab panel is created in case a tab is added via the add method or if a panel for a remote tab is created on the fly.

public Option

Default value: false

Determines whether to wrap to the next line or enable scrolling when the number of tabs exceeds the specified width.

public Option

Default value: null

This is an animation option for showing the tab's panel content.

public Option

Default value: false

Determines whether the tab can be dragged to a new position.

public Option

Default value: ""

The HTML content of this string is shown in a tab title while remote content is loading. Pass in an empty string to deactivate that behavior. A span element must be present in the A tag of the title for the spinner content to be visible.

public Option

Default value: ""

HTML template from which a new tab is created and added. The placeholders #{href} and #{label} are replaced with the url and tab label that are passed as arguments to the add method.

public EventThe add event handler. A function called when a tab is added.  
public EventThe beforeShow event handler. A function called before a tab is shown.  
public EventThe disable event handler. A function called when a tab is disabled.  
public EventThe enable event handler. A function called when a tab is enabled.  
public EventThe load event handler. A function called after the content of a remote tab has been loaded.  
public EventThe remove event handler. A function called when a tab is removed.  
public EventThe select event handler. A function called when clicking a tab.  
public EventThe show event handler. A function called when a tab is shown.  
See Also


wijmo.tabs.wijtabs Namespace