Wijmo UI for the Web
wijmo.maps Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
The options of the wijitemslayer.
The options of the wijlayer.
The options of the wijmaps widget.
The options of wijmultiscaleimage.
Represents the options for the wijvirtuallayer.
The data relates to the centerChanged event.
The converter to convert the coordinates in geographic unit (longitude and latitude), logic unit(percentage) and screen unit (pixel).
Defines the custom wijmaps layer.
Defines the object of the requested individual item for the items layer.
Defines the wijmaps items layer.
Defines the object of the request result for the items layer.
Defines the wijmaps layer.
Defines slice info on specific zoom. Used by virtual layer.
Defines an object that represents the tile source of the map.
Defines a point with horizontal and vertical coordinates.
Defines a rectangle with location and size.
Defines an ordered pair of number, which specify a width and height.
The data relates to the targetCenterChanged event.
The data relates to the targetZoomChanged event.
Defines the object of the requested individual item for the virtual layer.
Defines the object of the request result for the virtual layer.
Defines the optoins of the wijmaps virtual layer.
The layer which can append to the wijmaps.
The data relates to the zoomChanged event.
See Also


Wijmo API