Wijmo UI for the Web
options type
wijmo.maps.wijmaps Namespace : options type
Inheritance Hierarchy


public Option

Default value: ""

The bing mpas key of the bing maps source.

public Option

Type: wijmo.maps.IPoint

The center of wijmaps view port, in geographic unit.

public Option

Type: wijmo.maps.ILayerOptions[]

Default value: []

Defines the array of layers append to the wijmaps.

public Option

Default value: true

Determine whether show the tools layer.

public Option

Default value: 'bingMapsRoadSource'

The source of the wijmaps tile layer. Wijmaps provides some built in sources: <ul> <li>bingMapsRoadSource</li> <li>bingMapsAerialSource</li> <li>bingMapsHybridSource</li> </ul> Set to null if want to hide the tile layer.<br> Set to a IMultiScaleTileSource object if want to use another map tile server.

public Option

Type: wijmo.maps.IPoint

The targer center of the wijmaps to translate.

public Option

Default value: 0.3

The speed for translate the wijmaps from current center to target center.

public Option

The target zoom of the wijmaps to scale.

public Option

Default value: 0.3

The speed for scaling the wijmaps from current zoom to target zoom.

public Option

Default value: 1

The current zoom of the wijmaps.

public EventThis is a callback function called after the center of the wijmaps changed.  
public EventThis is a callback function called after the target center of the wijmaps changed.  
public EventThis is a callback function called after the target zoom of the wijmaps changed.  
public EventThis is a callback function called after the zoom of the wijmaps changed.  
See Also


wijmo.maps.wijmaps Namespace