Wijmo UI for the Web
format Option
wijmo.input.wijinputtext Namespace > options type : format Option

Default value: ""

Determines the format string that defines the type of text allowed for input in the control.

$(function () {
    // Get value
    var returnsValue; // Type:  string
    returnsValue = $(".selector").wijinputtext("option", "format");
    // Set value
    var newValue; // Type:  string
    $(".selector").wijinputtext("option", "format", newValue);
var format : string;

The key words in the following table are supported.

DBCS Keywords SBCS Keywords Description
A Upper case alphabet (A-Z).
a Lower case alphabet (a-z).
K Katakana.
9 Numbers (0-9).
# Numbers and number related symbols (0-9, +-$%\,.).
@ Symbols.
H All characters without Space.
N Only large Katakana.
Only large Hiragana
Only allow surrogate characters.
All characters except surrogates.
S Space.
^ Any character not included in the specified format.
\ Escape character.

For example, if you set the format to 'A', then users can only input the upper case DBCS alphabet. If they input SBCS 'k', then it automatically converts to DBCS 'K' if autoConvert is set to true, but if autoConvert is false, they can't input 'k' at all.

See Also


options type
wijinputtext jQuery Widget