Wijmo UI for the Web
IFormatValidateLib Interface
wijmo.input Namespace : IFormatValidateLib Interface
Contains all of the methods that make up the Format Function Library, the Parsing Function Library, and the Validation Function Library.
To use each of these methods, instead of wijmo.input.IFormatValidateLib.methodName, use $.wijinputcore.methodName. See each method for the correct usage.

Use this method to format the specified value and return it as a string using the specified format (or type) and options. To use this method, instead of wijmo.input.IFormatValidateLib.format, use $.wijinputcore.format. See examples below for the correct usage.

Internally, wijinput widgets use the same format library. The formatting logic used depends on the value type. Valid types are: 

  • JavaScript Date
  • JavaScript String
  • JavaScript Number


For date values, the format library uses wijinputdate logic.
The formatOrType parameter is a string value. It can take a valid wijinputdate dateFormat value.
The options parameter can take an IDateOptions object or it can be null.


For string values, the format library uses wijinputmask logic.
The formatOrType parameter is a string value. It can take a valid wijinputmask maskFormat value, but RegEx maskFormat values are invalid.
The options parameter can take an IMaskOptions object or it can be null.


For number values, the format library uses wijinputnumber logic.
The formatOrType parameter is a string value. It can take one of three values:

  • currency
  • numeric
  • percent 

The options parameter can take an INumberOptions object or it can be null.


Use this method to parse the specified value and return it as a string using the specified format (or type) and options. To use this method, instead of wijmo.input.IFormatValidateLib.parseDate, use $.wijinputcore.parseDate. See example below for the correct usage.


Use this method to parse the specified value and return it as a string using the specified format (or type) and options. To use this method, instead of wijmo.input.IFormatValidateLib.parseNumber, use $.wijinputcore.parseNumber. See example below for the correct usage.


Use this method to validate the specified value against the specified options and return a Boolean value. If the value cannot be parsed with the specified parameters, it returns false. To use this method, instead of wijmo.input.IFormatValidateLib.validateDate, use $.wijinputcore.validateDate. See example below for the correct usage.


Use this method to validate the specified value against the specified options and return a Boolean value. If the value cannot be parsed with the specified parameters, it returns false. To use this method, instead of wijmo.input.IFormatValidateLib.validateMask, use $.wijinputcore.validateMask. See example below for the correct usage.


Use this method to validate the specified value against the specified options and return a Boolean value. If the value cannot be parsed with the specified parameters, it returns false. To use this method, instead of wijmo.input.IFormatValidateLib.validateNumber, use $.wijinputcore.validateNumber. See example below for the correct usage.


Use this method to validate the specified value against the specified options and return a Boolean value. If the value cannot be parsed with the specified parameters, it returns false. To use this method, instead of wijmo.input.IFormatValidateLib.validateText, use $.wijinputcore.validateText. See example below for the correct usage.

See Also


wijmo.input Namespace


Format Function Library
Validation Function Library