Name | Description | |
calendar | Determines the settings of the calendar. If this property's value is null, the calendar doesn't show. But if there is no picker show, then the calendar will still show. |
datePicker | Determines the settings of the date picker. If this property's value is null, the date picker doesn't show. |
height | Determines the height of the dropdown window. | |
list | Contains an array of data items used to populate the dropdown list. The array item can be "string", or a an oject contains two property "label" and "value"; The label property is string, used to display on the dropdown list. The value proeprty is date object, used to assign the value to the wijinputdate widget. | |
timePicker | Determines the settings of the time picker. If this property's value is null, the time picker doesn't show. |
width | Determines the width of the dropdown window. |