Wijmo UI for the Web
loaded Event
wijmo.grid.wijgrid Namespace > options type : loaded Event
The jQuery.Event object.
The loaded event handler is a function that is called at the end the wijgrid's lifecycle when wijgrid is filled with data and rendered. You can use this event to manipulate the grid html content or to finish a custom load indication.
$(function () {
    // Set loaded event handler function
        loaded : function (e) {
loaded = function ( 
   e : Object
) { };


The jQuery.Event object.
// The loaded event in the sample below ensures that whatever is selected on load is cleared
    loaded: function (e) {
        $(e.target).wijgrid("selection").clear(); // clear selection                    
You can bind to the event either by type or by name. Bind to the event by name: $("#element").wijgrid({ loaded: function (e) { // some code here }}); Bind to the event by type: $("#element").bind("wijgridloaded", function (e) { // some code here });
See Also


options type
wijgrid jQuery Widget