$(function () { // Set afterCellEdit event handler function $(".selector").wijgrid({ afterCellEdit : function (e, args) { } }); });
- e
- The jQuery.Event object.
- args
- The data with this event.
$(function () { // Set afterCellEdit event handler function $(".selector").wijgrid({ afterCellEdit : function (e, args) { } }); });
// Once cell editing is complete, the function calls the destroy method to destroy the wijcombobox widget and the wijinputnumber widget which are used as the custom editors. $("#element").wijgrid({ afterCellEdit: function(e, args) { switch (args.cell.column().dataKey) { case "Position": args.cell.container().find("input").wijcombobox("destroy"); break; case "Acquired": args.cell.container().find("input").wijinputnumber("destroy"); break; } } });