Wijmo UI for the Web
dataType Field
wijmo.grid Namespace > IColumn Interface : dataType Field

Column data type. Defines the rules, according to which column value will be formatted, defines editors types and allowed filter operators. Does not change the type of source data, besides the case when data source is HTMLTable. Possible values are: "string", "number", "datetime", "currency" and "boolean".

var instance; // Type: wijmo.grid.IColumn;
var value; // Type: string
value = instance.dataType;
var dataType : string;
$("#element").wijgrid({ columns: [{ dataType: "string" }]});
Possible values are: "string": if using built-in parser any values are acceptable; " " considered as an empty string, nullString as null. "number": if using built-in parser only numeric values are acceptable, also " ", "" and nullString which are considered as null. Any other value throws an exception. "datetime": if using built-in parser only date-time values are acceptable, also " ", "" and nullString which are considered as null. Any other value throws an exception. "currency": if using built-in parser only numeric and currency values are acceptable, also " ", "" and nullString which are considered as null. Any other value throws an exception. "boolean": if using built-in parser only "true" and "false" (case-insensitive) values are acceptable, also " ", "" and nullString which are considered as null. Any other value throws an exception.
See Also


IColumn Interface