Wijmo UI for the Web
inputType Field
wijmo.grid Namespace > IC1FieldOptions Interface : inputType Field

Determines the type of html editor for filter and cells. Possible values are: "number", "date", "datetime", "datetime-local", "month", "time", "text".

var instance; // Type: wijmo.grid.IC1FieldOptions;
var value; // Type: string
value = instance.inputType;
var inputType : string;
$("#element").wijgrid({ columns: [{ inputType: "text" }]});
If the value is set then input type element is used with "type" attribute set to the value. If the value is not set then: - in desktop environment a "text" input element is used as the editor. - in mobile environment a "number" input element is used for columns having "number" and "currency" dataType; for columns where dataType = "datetime" a "datetime" input element is used, otherwise a "text" input element is shown.
See Also


IC1FieldOptions Interface