Wijmo UI for the Web
filterValue Field
wijmo.grid Namespace > IC1FieldOptions Interface : filterValue Field

A value set for filtering.

var instance; // Type: wijmo.grid.IC1FieldOptions;
var value; // Type: any
value = instance.filterValue;
var filterValue : any;
$("#element").wijgrid({ columns: [{ dataType: "number", filterOperator: "Equals", filterValue: 0 }]});
Full option value is: [filterValue1, ..., filterValueN] where each item is a filter value for the corresponding filter operator. Example: filterValue: [0, "a", "b"] Built-in filter operators support array of values as an argument. Example: filterOperator: ["Equals", "BeginsWith"] filterValue: [[0, 1, 2], "a"] As a result of filtering all the records having 0, 1, 2, or starting with "a" will be fetched. Shorthand notation allows omitting square brackets, the following statements are equivalent: filterValue: ["a"] filterValue: [["a"]] filterValue: "a" Note: wijgrid built-in filter editors do not support multiple filter values.
See Also


IC1FieldOptions Interface