Wijmo UI for the Web
face Option
wijmo.gauge.wijradialgauge Namespace > options type : face Option

Type: wijmo.gauge.gauge_face

Sets or draws the image or shape to use for the face of the gauge and the background area.

$(function () {
    // Get value
    var returnsValue; // Type:  wijmo.gauge.gauge_face
    returnsValue = $(".selector").wijradialgauge("option", "face");
    // Set value
    var newValue; // Type:  wijmo.gauge.gauge_face
    $(".selector").wijradialgauge("option", "face", newValue);
var face : gauge_face;
// This example uses a custom image for the face of the gauge. The argument that we name ui in the example is a JSON object.
// This object has a canvas, which is a Raphael paper object, and we use the image method of the Raphael paper that takes five
// parameters: source, x, y, width, and height. See the Raphael documentation for more information.
$(document).ready(function () {
        value: 90,
        radius: 120,
        face: {
            style: {},
            template: function (ui) {
                var url = "images/customGaugeFace.png";
                return ui.canvas.image(url, ui.origin.x -ui.r, ui.origin.y -ui.r, ui.r * 2, ui.r * 2);
The origin is the center of the gauge, but the image draws from the top left, so we first calculate the starting point of the top left based on the origin, and we calculate the width and height based on the radius of the face. The radius of the face is half of the min of the width and height. Note: The fill property is defined using the Raphael framework. Please see the Raphael Element attr method for more information. The face can be filled with a simple color, or a gradient. The default fill is a radial gradient, indicated by the r in the fill property.
See Also


options type
wijradialgauge jQuery Widget