Wijmo UI for the Web
triggerClose Method
wijmo.filter Namespace > wijfilter type : triggerClose Method
Indicates whether the wijfilter settings was changed or not. If true, then the values of the sortDirection, filterValue and filterOperator options will be passed to the event handler within the second parameter.
Force wijfilter to raise the close event.
$(function () {
    var returnsValue; // Type:  any
    // Parameters
    var settingsChanged; // Type:  bool
    returnsValue = $(".selector").wijfilter("triggerClose", settingsChanged);
function triggerClose( 
   settingsChanged : bool
) : any;


Indicates whether the wijfilter settings was changed or not. If true, then the values of the sortDirection, filterValue and filterOperator options will be passed to the event handler within the second parameter.
See Also


wijfilter type
wijfilter Method