Wijmo UI for the Web
options type
wijmo.evcal.wijevcal Namespace : options type
Inheritance Hierarchy


public Option

Default value: []

The event objects array. This option is read-only. This option is deprecated: please, use eventsData option, instead.

public Option

Default value: null

A value that indicates calendar's options in evets calendar.

public Option

Default value: []

Available calendar objects array. This option is read-only. Use addCalendar/updateCalendar/deleteCalendar methods in order to add/edit or delete a calendar.

public Option

Default value: null

The colors option specifies the name of the colors that will be shown in the color name drop-down list. "blue", "cornflowerblue", "yellow", "bronze"]

public Option

Default value: ""

Determines the culture to be used, for example, "de-DE" is German. Date and time formatting depends on the culture option.

public Option

Default value: ""

Determines the culture calendar to be used. This option must work with culture option.

public Option

Default value: null

A dataview object to bind to events data

public Option

Data storage methods. Use this option in order to implement custom data storage layer.

public Option

Default value: '{0:d }'

Format of the text for the day cell header(month view). Format argument: {0} = Day date.

public Option

Format of the text for the day header in the day view. Format argument: {0} = Day date.

public Option

Default value: false

Specifies whether the events calendar is disabled.

public Option

Default value: ""

The calendar dialog box template.

public Option

Default value: false

Enables a built-in log console.

public Option

Default value: false

Indicates whether to append the event dialog element to the body element rather than to the event calendar container.

public Option

Default value: null

The event objects array.

public Option

Default value: '{2}'

Format of the title text for the event. Format arguments: {0} = Start, {1} = End, {2} = Subject, {3} = Location, {4} = Icons, {5} = Description.

public Option

Default value: 0

The first day of the week (from 0 to 6). Sunday is 0, Monday is 1, and so on.

public Option

Default value: '{0:ddd d}'

Format of the text for the first cell header in the first row of the month view. Format argument: {0} = Day date.

public Option

Default value: true

Indicates whether the header bar will be visible.

public Option

Default value: null

Use the localization option in order to localize text which not depends on culture option.

public Option

Default value: true

Indicates whether the bottom navigation bar will be visible.

public Option

Default value: false

Set this option to true if you want to prevent users to edit events data.

public Option

Default value: false

Indicates whether the right pane will be visible. By default the right pane are empty. You can use this pane in order to provide additional custom UI.

public Option

Default value: null

The selected date.

public Option

Default value: null

The selected dates.

public Option

Default value: false

Indicates whether the status bar will be visible.

public Option

Default value: 30

The time interval in minutes for the Day view.

public Option

Default value: 15

The Day view time interval row height in pixels.

public Option

Default value: '{0:h tt}'

Time ruler format for the Day view.

public Option

Default value: 60

Time ruler interval for the Day view (in minutes).

public Option

The title text format that will be shown under the header bar. {0} = start date. {1} = end date.

public Option

Default value: []

Array of the view types which need to be shown.

public Option

Default value: 'day'

The active view type. Possible values are: day, week, month, list. If it is a custom view, the viewType should be its name.

public Option

Default value: []

Array of the calendar names which need to be shown.

public Option

Default value: ""

Determines the URL of the web service which will be used to store information about events.

public EventOccurs before the add calendar action. Return false or call event.preventDefault() in order to cancel event and prevent the add action.  
public EventOccurs before the add event action. Return false or call event.preventDefault() in order to cancel event and prevent the add action.  
public EventOccurs before the delete calendar action. Return false or call event.preventDefault() in order to cancel event and prevent the delete action.  
public EventOccurs before the delete action. Return false or call event.preventDefault() in order to cancel event and prevent the delete action.  
public EventOccurs before the built-in event dialog is shown. Return false or call event.preventDefault() in order to cancel event and prevent the built-in dialog to be shown.  
public EventOccurs before the update calendar action. Return false or call event.preventDefault() in order to cancel event and prevent the update action.  
public EventOccurs before the update event action. Return false or call event.preventDefault() in order to cancel event and prevent the update action.  
public EventOccurs when calendars option has been changed.  
public EventOccurs when event markup is creating.  
public EventOccurs when the eventsData option is changed.  
public EventOccurs when events calendar is constructed and events data is loaded from an external or local data source.  
public EventOccurs when selectedDates option has been changed. Event type: wijevcalselecteddateschanged  
public EventOccurs when viewType option has been changed.  
See Also


wijmo.evcal.wijevcal Namespace