Wijmo UI for the Web
fullScreenContainerSelector Option
wijmo.editor.wijeditor Namespace > options type : fullScreenContainerSelector Option

Default value: ""

Set to the selector that returns the container to fill when the user selects full screen mode.By default, it fills the client's area on the web page.

$(function () {
    // Get value
    var returnsValue; // Type:  string
    returnsValue = $(".selector").wijeditor("option", "fullScreenContainerSelector");
    // Set value
    var newValue; // Type:  string
    $(".selector").wijeditor("option", "fullScreenContainerSelector", newValue);
var fullScreenContainerSelector : string;
Once set , you can refer to this string in the ID attribute of the container, for example < div id = "container" > < / div >.
See Also


options type
wijeditor jQuery Widget