Wijmo UI for the Web
fontNames Option
wijmo.editor.wijeditor Namespace > options type : fontNames Option

Default value: []

The fontNames option specifies the list of font name which will be shown in the font name drop down list. Use the option to customize font names.

$(function () {
    // Get value
    var returnsValue; // Type:  array
    returnsValue = $(".selector").wijeditor("option", "fontNames");
    // Set value
    var newValue; // Type:  array
    $(".selector").wijeditor("option", "fontNames", newValue);
var fontNames : array;
Here is an example of code that creates custom fontNames and fontSizes.
<script id="scriptInit" type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
                    tip: "Arial",
                    name: "Arial",
                    text: "Arial"
                }, {
                    tip: "Garamond",
                    name: "Garamond",
                    text: "Garamond"
                }, {
                    tip: "Goudy Stout",
                    name: "Goudy Stout",
                    text: "Goudy Stout"
                fontSizes: [{
                    tip:  "10px",
                    name: "10px",
                    text: "10px"
                }, {
                    tip: "11px",
                    name: "11px",
                    text: "11px"
                    {tip: "12px",
                    name: "12px",
                    text: "12px"

Each fontName object is composed of:

tip: the text to use as tooltip text when hovering over the font in the drop-down list.

name: the internal name of the built-in Wijmo web-safe font. You may also set custom values using CSS font families.

text: the text to show for the font in the dropdown list.

default value:
    {tip: "Arial", name: "fn1", text: "Arial"},
    {tip: "Courier New", name: "fn2", text: "Courier New"},
    {tip: "Garamond", name: "fn3", text: "Garamond"},
    {tip: "Tahoma", name: "fn4", text: "Tahoma"},
    {tip: "Times New Roman", name: "fn5", text: "Times New Roman"},
    {tip: "Verdana", name: "fn6", text: "Verdana"},
    {tip: "Wingdings", name: "fn7", text: "Wingdings"}

See Also


options type
wijeditor jQuery Widget