Name | Description | |
adjustComboWidth | Default value: false A value that determines whether to fit the width of combobox to that of the dropdown. | |
autoComplete | Default value: true A value that determines whether to start the auto-complete function after typing in the text if a match exists. | |
autoFilter | Default value: true A value determines whether to shorten the drop-down list items by matching the text in the textbox after typing. | |
columns | Default value: [] An array that specifies the column collections of wijcombobox. | |
data | Default value: null A value that specifies the underlying data source provider of wijcombobox. | |
dataSource | Default value: null wijdataview to which this wijcombobox is bound. | |
delay | Default value: 300 A value that determines the duration (in milliseconds) of the time to delay before autocomplete begins after typing stops. | |
dropdownHeight | Default value: 300 A value that specifies the height of the drop-down list. | |
dropDownListPosition | A value that specifies the position options of the drop-down list. The default value of the "of" options is the input of wijcombobox. | |
dropdownWidth | Default value: 'auto' A value that specifies the width of the drop-down list. | |
ensureDropDownOnBody | Default value: true A value indicating the dropdown element will be append to the body or combobox container. | |
forceSelectionText | Default value: false A value that determines whether to check the input text against the text of the selected item when the focus blurs. | |
hidingAnimation | Default value: null A value that specifies the animation options such as the animation effect and duration for the drop-down list when it is hidden. | |
highlightMatching | Default value: true A value that determines whether to highlight the keywords in an item. | |
inputTextInDropDownList | Default value: false A value that specifies the input text of the combobox is in dropdown list or not. | |
isEditable | Default value: true A value that determines whether input is editable. | |
labelText | Default value: null A value that specifies the text in the wijcombobox label. | |
listOptions | Default value: null A value that determines the object that contains the options of wijlist. | |
minLength | Default value: 4 A value that determines the minimum length of text that can be entered in the wijcombobox text box to issue an AJAX request. | |
multipleSelectionSeparator | Default value: ',' A value that specifies the separator for the multiple selected items text in the textbox. | |
selectedIndex | Default value: -1 A value that specifies the index of the item to select when using single mode. | |
selectedValue | Default value: null A value that specifies the value of the item to select when using single mode. | |
selectElementWidthFix | Default value: 6 A value added to the width of the original HTML select element to account for the scroll bar width of the drop-down list. | |
selectionMode | Default value: 'single' A value that specifies the selection mode of wijcombobox. | |
selectOnItemFocus | Default value: false A value that determines whether to select the item when the item gains focus or is activated. | |
showingAnimation | Default value: null A value that specifies the animation options for a drop-down list when it is visible. | |
showTrigger | Default value: true A value that determines whether to show the trigger of wijcombobox. | |
text | Default value: null A value that specifies the input text of the combobox. | |
triggerPosition | Default value: 'right' A value that specifies the position of the drop-down list trigger. |
Name | Description | |
changed | The event is obsolete event. A function called when select item is changed. | |
close | This event is triggered when the drop-down list is closed. | |
open | This event is triggered when the drop-down list is opened. | |
search | This event is triggered when a user searches an item in the drop-down list either by typing in the textbox or by calling the search method of wijcombobox. | |
select | A function called when any item in list is selected. | |
selectedIndexChanged | This event is triggered when the selected index of the combobox is changed. | |
selectedIndexChanging | A function called when the selected index of the comboBox is about to change. Cancellable. If return false, the select operation will be canceled. | |
textChanged | This event is triggered when the text of the combobox is changed. |