Wijmo UI for the Web
selectedIndex Field
wijmo.combobox Namespace > WijComboboxOptions Interface : selectedIndex Field

A value that specifies the index of the item to select when using single mode.

var instance; // Type: wijmo.combobox.WijComboboxOptions;
var value; // Type: any
value = instance.selectedIndex;
var selectedIndex : any;
//To get the selected item using the selected index:
     var selectedIndex = $("# tags ").wijcombobox("option","selectedIndex");  
     var selectedItem = $("# tags ").wijcombobox("option","data")[selectedIndex];
 // To set the selected item using the selected index:
     $("#tags").wijcombobox("option"," selectedIndex", 5);
If the selectionMode is "multiple", then this option could be set to an array of Number which contains the indices of the items to select. If no item is selected, it will return -1.
See Also


WijComboboxOptions Interface