Wijmo UI for the Web
Use an Ajax DataView

Building on the Quick Start example, you can use the Data module to connect to a RESTful web service.

  1. In the <head> section of your HTML file, replace the script that includes the document ready function with this one, which does the following:
    • Creates a ViewModel with the following properties:
      • Connects to a data source using the AjaxDataView.
      • Sets the number of records per page to 10.                    
      • Sets the ajax crossOrigin property to true to allow cross-domain requests.
    • Sorts the data on refresh.
    • Sets up the following functions to use in button click events:
      • Sorts on Product ID or Price.
      • Sets the number of products per page to 10, or clears paging to show all (0).
      • Goes to the previous or next page.
    • Binds the ViewModel to the container.

    Drop down and copy code

    ViewModel Script
    Copy Code
    <script id="scriptInit" type="text/javascript">
        var viewModel;
        require(["wijmo.data.ajax", "wijmo.wijgrid", "wijmo.wijpopup", "knockout.wijmo"], function () {
            $.support.cors = true;
                autoHide: true,
                showEffect: 'blind',
                hideEffect: 'blind'
        function ViewModel(sessionId) {
            var productView = new wijmo.data.AjaxDataView("http://demo.componentone.com/aspnet/NorthwindAPI/api/read/Product", {
                pageSize: 10,
                ajax: { crossOrigin: true }
            this.products = productView;
            this.sortId = function () {
            this.sortPrice = function () {
                productView.sort("Unit_Price desc, Product_Name");
            this.clearPaging = function () {
            this.setPaging = function () {
            this.prevPage = function () {
            this.nextPage = function () {
            this.refresh = function () {
                        showPopup("Refresh Success!");
                    function () {
                        showPopup("Refresh Fail!");
        function bind() {
            $(document).ready(function () {
                viewModel = new ViewModel();
                ko.applyBindings(viewModel, $(".container").get(0));
        function showPopup(refreshResult) {
            $("#popupEle").html("<h1 style='color:red'>" + refreshResult + "</h1>");
            $("#popupEle").wijpopup("show", {
                of: $("#demo-grid"),
                my: "center top",
                at: "center top"
            setTimeout(function () {
            }, 1500);
        if (ko.dependencyDetection) {
        } else {
  2. In the <body> section of your HTML file, replace the markup with this, which does the following:
    • Creates a table with buttons and binds the button click events to the functions in the script.
    • Creates a second table with a Grid widget, and binds the data to it.

    Drop down and copy code

    Grid Markup
    Copy Code
    <div class="container">
        <div class="header">
            <h2>Data - Rest service</h2>
        <div class="main demo">
            <!-- Begin demo markup -->
                        <button data-bind="click:sortId, button: {}" type="button">ID</button>
                        <button data-bind="click:sortPrice, button: {}" type="button">Price, Name</button>
                        <button data-bind="click:clearPaging, button: {}" type="button">pageSize = 0</button>
                        <button data-bind="click:setPaging, button: {}" type="button">pageSize = 10</button>
                        <button data-bind="click:prevPage, button: {}" type="button">prev</button>
                        <button data-bind="click:nextPage, button: {}" type="button">next</button>
                    <td><button data-bind="click: refresh, button: {}" type="button">Refresh</button></td>
            <!--<h3>Products. page #<span data-bind='text: products.pageIndex() + 1'></span>/<span data-bind='text: products.totalPages()'></span></h3>-->
            <div id="popupEle"></div>
            <table id="demo-grid" data-bind="wijgrid: { data: products, allowEditing: true, showFilter: true, columns: [
                { headerText: 'ID', dataKey: 'Product_ID' },
                { headerText: 'Product name', dataKey: 'Product_Name' },
                { headerText: 'Category ID', dataKey: 'Category_ID' },
                { headerText: 'Price', dataKey: 'Unit_Price' }
                ]}" >
            <!-- End demo markup -->
            <div class="demo-options">
                <!-- Begin options markup -->
                <!-- End options markup -->
        <div class="footer demo-description">
                The sample shows remote data in a wijmo grid.
                The data can be programmatically paged, filtered and sorted by clicking buttons.
                Everytime a button is clicked, a request is sent to the server.
                To use ODataView or AjaxDataView you need to add the wijmo.data.ajax.js dependency. This is not included in our combined file and must be added separately. Read our <a href="http://wijmo.com/docs/wijmo/#DataQuickStart.html">Data Quick Start</a> to see the references to use.
  3. Within the <head> tags, above the script to initialize the widget, set the size of the widget using CSS.

    Drop down and copy markup to paste inside the head tags

    Copy Code
    <style type="text/css">
        table {
            border-collapse: collapse;
        table caption {
            font-size: 150%;
        th, td {
            border: 1px solid #AAAAAA;
            text-align: center;
            padding: 0.5em;
        th {
            background-color: #CCCCCC;
  4. Save your HTML file and open it in a browser. The grid appears like the live widget below.