Wijmo UI for the Web
Selection Mode

The selectionMode option of the wijgrid widget provides various options for a user to change the mode of selection. The selectionMode option determines whether single or multiple cells, columns, rows, or ranges of cells can be selected at one time. By default, its value is singleRow. However, you can change its value to none, singleCell, singleColumn, singleRange, multiColumn, multiRow and multiRange.

For example, the script and markup sets the value of selectionMode option to singleCell and also provides a dropdown at bottom left of the wijgrid to allow user to select the desired selection mode.

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<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
            data: [
                { User_ID: '01', User_FirstName: 'Henry', User_LastName: 'Holt' },
                { User_ID: '02', User_FirstName: 'Mathew', User_LastName: 'McDonald' },
                { User_ID: '03', User_FirstName: 'Crystal', User_LastName: 'Castillo ' },
                { User_ID: '04', User_FirstName: 'Oliver', User_LastName: 'Schwartz ' },
                { User_ID: '05', User_FirstName: 'Betsy', User_LastName: 'Baldwin ' },
                { User_ID: '06', User_FirstName: 'Felix', User_LastName: 'Ford ' }
            // Setting selection mode
            selectionMode: 'singleCell'
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<table id="wijgrid"></table>
<label for="selectionMode">Selection Mode:</label>
<select id="selectionMode" onchange="$('#wijgrid').wijgrid('option', 'selectionMode', $('#selectionMode').val());">
    <option value="none">none</option>
    <option value="singleCell" selected>singleCell</option>
    <option value="singleColumn">singleColumn</option>
    <option value="singleRow">singleRow</option>
    <option value="singleRange">singleRange</option>
    <option value="multiColumn">multiColumn</option>
    <option value="multiRow">multiRow</option>
    <option value="multiRange">multiRange</option>