Wijmo UI for the Web
KO Radio Binding
Wijmo User Guide > Concepts > Integrating Frameworks > Knockout > Two-Way Live Binding > KO Radio Binding

Data-binding options:


In this example, the ViewModel is defined specifically for use with the radio. If the value of a radio data-binding option changes, the widgets automatically respond. The widgets also update the ViewModel values as they modify them.

Create a ViewModel:

ViewModel Script
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var viewModel = function () {            
    this.check = ko.observable(true);

Create View with Bound Controls:

View Markup
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<h3 id="H1">Radio</h3> 

<label for="radio1">radio1</label>
<input type="radio" name="radiobutton1" id="radio1" data-bind="wijradio: {checked: check}" /> 

<label for="radio2">radio2</label>
<input type="radio" name="radiobutton1" id="radio2" data-bind="wijradio: {}" />

<label for="radio3">radio3</label>
<input type="radio" name="radiobutton1" id="radio3" data-bind="wijradio: {}" />

<label for="radio4">radio4</label>
<input type="radio" name="radiobutton1" id="radio4" data-bind="wijradio: {}" />
See Also


