Wijmo UI for the Web
InputNumber Features
Wijmo User Guide > Widgets > Input Widgets > InputNumber > InputNumber Concepts > InputNumber Features

These are some of the new features that you can use to customize your InputNumber widget.

Note: The comboItems, comboWidth, and comboHeight options have been replaced with list, width, and height attributes of the pickers option.
Features API Type Comments
Pickers let you choose the style of input to use pickers option
(Note that the list value replaces the comboItems option in previous versions.)
PickerClass Valid values: height, list, width
Set your combo list items here. You can also set the height and width of the drop-down using this option. 
Formatting negative values negativeClassnegativePrefix, and negativeSuffix options string Sets strings to use with negative values.
Formatting positive values positivePrefix and positiveSuffix options string Sets strings to use with postive values.
Spin up or down programmatically spinUp and spinDown methods   Increments or decrements the spinner in the specified field by the specified amount.
See Also
