Building on the Quick Start example, you can create a composite doughnut pie chart. This special type of chart combines two pie charts containing related data. The pie charts share the same center point so they overlap properly.
Drop down and copy script to paste in <head> section
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<script type="text/javascript"> requirejs.config({ baseUrl: "", paths: { "jquery": "jquery-1.11.1.min", "jquery-ui": "jquery-ui-1.11.0.custom.min", "jquery.ui": "jquery-ui", "jquery.mousewheel": "jquery.mousewheel.min", "globalize": "globalize.min", "bootstrap": "bootstrap.min", //Needed if you use Bootstrap. "knockout": "knockout-3.1.0" //Needed if you use Knockout. } }); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> require(["wijmo.wijcompositechart"], function () { $(document).ready(function () { $("#wijcompositechart").wijcompositechart({ axis: { y: {gridMajor: {visible: false}, textVisible: false}, x: {visible: false, textVisible: false} }, animation: {enabled: false }, chartLabelStyle: {fill: "#fff"}, hint: {content: function () {return this.label + ' ' + this.y + '';} }, header: {text: "Browsers"}, seriesList: [ { type: "pie", legendEntry: true, center: { x: 400, y: 250 }, radius: 200, data: [ {label: "Chrome", legendEntry: true, data: 38, offset: 0}, {label: "Firefox", legendEntry: true, data: 36, offset: 0}, {label: "IE", legendEntry: true, data: 13, offset: 0}, {label: "Safari", legendEntry: true, data: 8, offset: 0}, {label: "Other", legendEntry: true, data: 5, offset: 0} ] }, { type: "pie", legendEntry: true, center: { x: 400, y: 250 }, radius: 100, data: [ {label: "15", //Chrome legendEntry: false, data: 26, offset: 0 }, { label: "14", //Chrome legendEntry: false, data: 8, offset: 0 }, { label: "", //Chrome legendEntry: false, data: 4, offset: 0 }, { label: "7", //Firefox legendEntry: false, data: 20, offset: 0 }, { label: "8", //Firefox legendEntry: false, data: 10, offset: 0 }, { label: "", //Firefox legendEntry: false, data: 6, offset: 0 }, { label: "9", //IE legendEntry: false, data: 6, offset: 0 }, { label: "8", //IE legendEntry: false, data: 5, offset: 0 }, { label: "", //IE legendEntry: false, data: 2, offset: 0 }, { label: "5", //Safari legendEntry: false, data: 5, offset: 0 }, { label: "", //Safari legendEntry: false, data: 3, offset: 0 }, { label: "", legendEntry: false, data: 5, offset: 0 }] }], seriesStyles: [ {fill: "180-#B800CC-#4B00CC", stroke: "#4B00CC", "stroke-width": 1.5, opacity: 1 }, {fill: "270-#7AADFF-#C37AFF", stroke: "#C37AFF", "stroke-width": 1.5, opacity: 1 }, {fill: "180-#0099cc-#B0EBFF", stroke: "#2889aa", "stroke-width": 1.5, opacity: 1 }, {fill: "270-#2200cc-#8C7BE3", stroke: "#3e28aa", "stroke-width": 1.5, opacity: 1 }, {fill: "180-#6A399E-#9E399B", stroke: "#9E399B", "stroke-width": 1.5, opacity: 1 }, {fill: "#E2D1FF", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.5 }, { fill: "#D1E2FF", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.5 }, { fill: "#D6D1FF", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.5 }, { fill: "#FFD1D1", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.5 }, { fill: "#D1FFE1", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.5 }, { fill: "#F7FFD1", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.5 }, { fill: "#FFF1D1", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.5 }, { fill: "#FFD1D1", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.5 }, { fill: "#BDF7FF", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.5 }, { fill: "#BDC6FF", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.5 }, { fill: "#FFF0BD", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.5 }, { fill: "#F4BDFF", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.5 }], seriesHoverStyles: [{ fill: "180-#B800CC-#4B00CC", stroke: "#4B00CC", "stroke-width": 2, opacity: 1 }, { fill: "180-#ff6600-#cb6928", stroke: "#cb6928", "stroke-width": 2, opacity: 1 }, { fill: "180-#0099cc-#2889aa", stroke: "#2889aa", "stroke-width": 2, opacity: 1 }, { fill: "180-#2200cc-#3e28aa", stroke: "#3e28aa", "stroke-width": 2, opacity: 1 }, { fill: "180-#cccccc-#dddddd", stroke: "#dddddd", "stroke-width": 2, opacity: 1 }, { fill: "#FFD1E4", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.8 }, { fill: "#D1E2FF", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.8 }, { fill: "#D6D1FF", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.8 }, { fill: "#FFD1D1", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.8 }, { fill: "#D1FFE1", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.8 }, { fill: "#F7FFD1", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.8 }, { fill: "#FFF1D1", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.8 }, { fill: "#FFD1D1", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.8 }, { fill: "#BDF7FF", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.8 }, { fill: "#BDC6FF", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.8 }, { fill: "#FFF0BD", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.8 }, { fill: "#F4BDFF", stroke: "none", opacity: 0.8 }] }); }); }); </script> |