Wijmo UI for the Web
Wijmo User Guide > Mobile Widgets > AppView

The AppView widget is available in v3. If you are running v2.3.4 or earlier, it is not included. You can download v3 here: Downloads.

As one of only two widgets that were created specifically for jQuery Mobile (see also ListView), the wijappview widget is a container UI made up of a menu to the left, and a content page to the right. The content page can contain a header in addition to its content. When the user clicks a menu item, AppView uses AJAX to inject the corresponding content into the DOM content page.

The wijappview widget is contained in the jquery.wijmo.wijappview.js file in Wijmo-Complete.

For a listing of all of the options, methods, and events available on this widget, please see the API docs for wijappview.

In this section

Quick Start

Main Elements

AppView Concepts

Markup and Scripting

Note: Check the Version History for an outline of new features, improvements, and changes to the Wijmo widgets.
See Also

Getting Started


